
What They Don't Want You To Know About The Blood Evidence From Sharon Tate's House.

Looking back on that livestream with Paulcast, here’s a look back at what we dug into regarding the blood evidence at Sharon Tate’s house on Cielo Drive. We broke down the official narrative piece by piece and showed how the physical evidence – the blood evidence, footprints, and the placement of bodies – just doesn’t add up. Unmasking the Official Story We started by reviewing the “official” version: climb over the fence, cut phone wires, a break-in, a quick in-and-out murders, with two victims dying in the living room, and two outside on the lawn. But when you really look at the blood evidence – A large pool of Jay Sebring’s blood is  on the porch. There’s drops of Sharon’s blood outside,  that trace a path away from the house, and even a scarf stained with type O blood – it tells a different story. It suggests that Sharon and Jay were actually outside for a significant period, not just dying inside the living room as claimed. This discrepancy wasn’t a small oversight—it poi...

Rare Dennis Hopper Print Interview, Taken From Outtakes From His Film "The American Dreamer" By Lawrence Schiller.

  With only the text above to work with, we finally found the interview where Dennis Hopper first mentions the "porny rumours" about the occupants of 10050 Cielo Drive. I used AI transcription tools to to make a start, and worked from there, some parts are impossible to read because of the crease of the paper, I was able to get most of it.  I also did a live stream about Dennis Hopper Click Here  to see it. From his documentary film"The American Dreamer" filmed by Lawrence Schiller (the man who interviewed Susan Atkins in prison to write "The Kiling Of Sharon Tate") while he was editing "The Last Movie", it is pretty easy to conclude he had psychedelic burnout from the late 60s. He and Schiller were trying to make a film about Charles Manson, but it doesn't appear to have ever materialised despite Schiller arranging several visits with Manson for Hopper, which he discusses in this interview, and in parts of "An American Dreamer" I ...

More False Photo's Of Manson Family Members Exposed, The Strange Death Of Zero.

Click Here to watch the live stream these slides were from. Another person from the Manson family who it is difficult to find real photo's of is Zero, I managed to debunk two and tell the sad story of his short life and mysterious death.

Mind-Bending History: BZ One Of The Real Jacob's Ladder Drugs? Plus Secret NASA space Drug JB-118.

Click Here to see the Live stream these slides were from, it was an interesting stream to research. It was also interesting to find the alternative use for scopolamine the American Military had, as an antidote to Sarin Gas (see the parts about "Operation Red Hat"). So maybe they weren't using it as part of mind control experiments after all.  Though I did conclude that due to what BZ does to men, it is unlikely to have been a drug used to encourage fighting, as it impairs their motor functions so much, I do still think they probably did experiment with mind-altering drugs to make the men more aggressive, and less likely to remember what they had done, to prevent PTSD. The NASA drug Micahel Hollingshead describes is another unknown drug we know very little about, who knows what else they had that they tested, and the participants could never tell us what happened to them.  

The Rolling Stones Free concert At Altamont, and Susan Atkin's Lies

Click Here to see the live streams these slides were from, there's a part 1 and part 2.  I originally did these streams after reading Mae Brussel's essay about the Manson case, where she discussed Altamont, and suggested both events were orchestrated, to destroy the counter-culture. I was surprised she never noticed that Susan Atkins's Grand Jury Testimony was the day before Alatamont, so everyone would have read all about the gruesome murders that morning in the papers before setting off. So I decided to combine my coverage of both events across two streams, mainly using Stanley Booth's book's account of events, he was the only journalist to stay to the end.  It was also interesting uncovering the other link Mae missed, between "Sweet Wiliam" a Hell's Angel seen talking on the stage in the footage of Altamont, and Bobby Beausoliel, both who appeared in Kenneth Anger's film "Invocation of my Demon Brother".  Mick Jagger also composed and...

The Crime Scene Maps From 10050 Cielo Drive.

Here are a few of the Crime Scene maps gathered from all over the internet throughout my research.  

Additional Information about Manson Family Victim Stephen Parent Discovered By Tom O'Neill.

These are the slides from my YouTube stream about Tom O'Niell's video, and the link to Tom's original video below. There were certainly some disturbing revelations by Tom, suggesting possible sexual abuse of Stephen by the Catholic Church. Hopefully the diocese will finally release more documents to Tom for Chaos 2.